CorvetteForum Member Sells His Split Window Corvette Back to Original Owner
CorvetteForum Member Sells His Split Window Corvette Back to Original Owner
CorvetteForum Member Sells His Split Window Corvette Back to Original Owner
In the ultimate selfless act, a prized 1963 Corvette is sold back to original owner so it can remain in the family for years to come.
Anytime a list of the most desirable Corvettes is ever published, a 1963 split window coupe is always on it. It is a legendary car and is often the crown jewel in any collection. Corvette Forum member vettebuyer6369 feels the same way. He has owned 17 different Corvettes and this Daytona Blue 1963 was easily his favorite of them all. He purchased the car back in 2013 and has loved it ever since. However, in a rather surprising move, he decided to sell the car. This was not a move that he was forced to make due to health reasons. There was also no financial motivation to sell the car. His reason for selling was that it was what he felt was simply the right thing to do.
There is a recent thread in the Corvette Forum titled: Kinda sad, kinda cool. 63 goes back to original owner. In this thread the history of the car and the reason for selling is detailed. It is the type of story that restores your faith in humanity. There was no pressure to sell except the feeling that the car should be reunited with the person that bought it new back in 1963. There are not many C2 Corvettes still with their original owner. The chance to reunite car and owner was not something that could be passed up.
vettebuyer6369 explains in the post that he began to research the history of his Corvette to see what he could find out about previous owners. After a good amount of searching, he found the original owners contact information and decided to reach out. When the original owner was contacted, he was reserved at first. However, he soon realized what was going on and became ecstatic to learn that his old Corvette was in such good hands. In fact, the original owner said he still had some paperwork from when he had the car. Turns out it was the owner’s manual, and owner’s protection plan booklet. He sent them to vettebuyer6369 and would not take anything for them. The original owner also eventually found some old pictures of the car from his ownership days. He even still had the cancelled check from when he picked up the car.
Eventually the original owner and the current owner met up for dinner. They took the Corvette out for a ride and shared a special day together. We have said it before, and this story is proof. Cars and especially Corvettes are a wonderful thing. But it goes far beyond the metal and leather. It is the people and the relationships that makes being a Corvette enthusiast so special. Eventually the original owner again reached out to vettebuyer6369. He said that he and his son had a long talk. “Even though they had been driving later model Corvettes and were planning a C8 buy, they determined there’s nothing more that each would enjoy more than buying his old car back and keeping it in the family going forward.” Explains vettebuyer6369. Well, how the heck do you say no to that?
If you are vettebuyer6369 you don’t say no. You agree to sell the car back to the original owner so it can remain in the family forever. That is exactly what happened. Now vettebuyer6369 is on the hunt again for another split window coupe to replace the car he just sold. He loves the 1963 Corvette but felt that the one he had was destined for another man and his family. It is a kind and selfless act. We hope that the Corvette Gods smile upon vettebuyer6369 and he finds the deal of a lifetime on a fantastic 1963 Corvette.
Photos: Corvette Forum