
“100 Years of Chevrolet” Video Has Me Wondering…

“100 Years of Chevrolet” Video Has Me Wondering…

“100 Years of Chevrolet” Video Has Me Wondering…

by John Coyle

Corvette Forum

OK, I’m going to say straight up that I’m not sure what’s happening with this video… I totally enjoyed the recent clip featuring the General’s Dr. Jamie Meyer, so I figured this little piece about the origins of Chevrolet would be pretty interesting. The video shows a kid in Switzerland meeting an incarnation of Louis Chevrolet, but we don’t get a whole lot of info on exactly why a French race car driver’s surname wound up becoming synonymous with an iconic American company. In fact, it feels like it grinds to a halt right when it should start to take off. Though I did dig the bit about a Vanderbuilt and a steam-powered tricycle…

Am I crazy? What do you think about this video? Doesn’t it feel like it ends right when it should be getting started? And if there was a second installment, maybe they could have alluded to it at the end? Head over to the Forum and let me know! 

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