
Do People Resent the Fact That You Own a C8 Corvette?

Do People Resent the Fact That You Own a C8 Corvette?

Do People Resent the Fact That You Own a C8 Corvette?

Do People Resent the Fact That You Own a C8 Corvette?

Whether it be a lack of understanding or plain jealousy, this C8 Corvette owner is facing some backlash over his purchase.

To most of us, the C8 Corvette is a stylish, affordable sports car that looks every bit as good as it goes. That’s precisely why the mid-engine marvel has remained in high demand for years now, with no signs of letting up any time soon. Regardless, there are people out there in the world that will never understand what it’s like to view a vehicle as anything more than a mode of transportation. And strangely enough, Corvette Forum member C5racecar has even faced some resentment from his friends and family after notifying them that he was buying a C8 Corvette, too.

“I wanted a Corvette ever since I saw one in 1962 when I was 12 years old,” he said. “I have owned five Corvettes since I started my engineering career in 1980. I always bought 2-3-year-old cars to save money. Now that I am retired, I sold my C6, and my C8 should be here in a few months. I have been telling friends and family about my new car and I have found that several people have kind of turned cold. I get the idea they are jealous, or think I am a fool for spending so much money, when I could buy a Prius for $35k. They will probably never understand this is a lifetime adventure for me. Anybody else experience this? How do you explain it to someone that has never owned a Corvette?”

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We can certainly understand where the OP is coming from, given the fact that all of us know at least one person that isn’t really into cars – at least not like we are. As such, most of his fellow members suggest merely not letting these sorts of comments bother him. “I don’t try to explain it,” said scithera. “Doesn’t matter what other people think as long as what I’m doing makes me happy and isn’t against the law. As long as it’s financially achievable and wouldn’t severely impact my existing quality of life, do what makes you happy.”

“I don’t care what other people think,” added Jbravo_AK. “I only care about how it makes me feel, and oh boy does this car make you feel. I have never had a vehicle where every single time I get done driving I think ‘that was a fun experience.’ You will have people walking up and talking to you or taking pictures or asking to see it. You will also have haters but those are easy to brush off. Regret is not a word I associate with purchasing one of these. If this is your dream don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way.”

2020 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray

There are many reasons why people will question a purchase like a C8 Corvette, but judging from the comments posted in this thread thus far, none of them should bother us. After all, if we can afford to buy a fun toy that we enjoy, why should we care what anyone else thinks about it? Regardless, we’re curious to hear what you think about this hot topic. Have you faced some resentment after purchasing your Corvette? If so, or if you have any advice for the OP, head over here and join this interesting discussion!

Photos: Chevrolet


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