
Corvette Rallying: Blasphemous or Badass?

Corvette Rallying: Blasphemous or Badass?

Corvette Rallying: Blasphemous or Badass?

C5 Corvette Rallying

I thought watching those Corvettes fall into that sinkhole at the museum was tough to swallow, but this one beats that by a long shot — namely because this one is a man-made disaster as opposed to a natural catastrophe like the sinkhole.

The idea of taking a ‘Vette and rallying it on dirt roads just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, but apparently Michael Lalanne thinks it’s cool.

The driver has posted a video clip of his off-roading in a C5, and if the sound of all that gravel banging up against the car doesn’t piss you off, then I’m betting that seeing him drift the car over weeds and into a tree probably will.

Sure, technically, if you buy it, you should be able to do what you want with it, but I think there’s a certain amount of respect that people should have for Corvettes, even if they aren’t in mint condition. This move falls way short on that list.

I think Lelanne’s grin at about the 2:13 mark pretty much sums up the level of respect this guy has for Corvettes.

However, to his credit, Lelanne does write, “Haters gonna hate,” in the “About” section for the YouTube video, which suggests that he actually knew this would piss some people off.

How pissed off are you about this? Sound off in the forum, especially if you think this is awesome.

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