
Ron Fellows Driving School Is Must-Have Option for C7 Owners

Ron Fellows Driving School Is Must-Have Option for C7 Owners

Ron Fellows Driving School Is Must-Have Option for C7 Owners

When it comes to all those options available for the C7, the PDR system isn’t the only one generating a lot of buzz here on Corvette Forum.

A thread, started here by member BillB3672, makes a great case for picking up the Ron Fellows Driving School class, which is available for a discount when you buy a C7.

“I attended the school this week and was joined by my 27 year old Grandson,” writes BillB3672. “I have to say aside from the great time we had spending some quality time together… We really enjoyed the School! The staff was outstanding, the instructors were professional, positive, and some of the nicest young Men and Woman (1) I have met in a training type environment in my lifetime!”

BillB3672 goes on to say, “The driving portion of the school was not only informative, but has practical uses for everyday driving. You will find things out about the C7 that will make you safer on the road and make owning it more enjoyable!”

Other Corvette Forum members, like LoyalSince72, agree:

“A fellow Corvetter and I attended in late October. My ONLY REGRET is that I didn’t sign up for the optional THIRD DAY. I made the decision too late and all the condos were filled with people coming in for the next course. HUGE MISTAKE. You get lots of track time and I could have really used it to lock in the lessons I learned. ONE INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE.”

With the discount for purchasing a new C7, the cost for the Ron Fellows Driving School is $1,000 for the two-day course. Be prepared for a wait list, but remember, good things come to those who wait.

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