
Share Your C5 Corvette Modification Horror Stories

Share Your C5 Corvette Modification Horror Stories

Share Your C5 Corvette Modification Horror Stories


You know the feeling. You spend all that time and energy looking through the forums, web pages, magazines, and anything else you can find to get that one new part you want for your car. You want a modification, some sort of visual or performance upgrade that will make your car just that little bit better. Finally, after days/weeks/eternity you order that part, but when you get it installed you realize you have made a huge mistake. The exterior bit doesn’t fit right, the exhaust you ordered sounds funny, the power boost ended up costing you horsepower. Whatever it is, you hate it and you wasted time and money.

The cool kids in the C5 forum know all about this, and there has been a thread started to share modification horror stories. From bad carbon fiber hoods, to terrible tint jobs, to poor performance modifications like MAFs and exhausts, there is something for everyone to relate to in the thread.

Happily,  there isn’t one mention of black wheels.

The thread was just started yesterday and it already has close to 50 responses, and I want to see that number grow. So head over to share your war stories with botched mods, and be sure to read through the rest while you are there. It would be nice to keep it C5 focused, but if you own a newer car and have a really good story to share, I don’t think anyone will mind if you speak up.

Seriously though, don’t do posts about black wheels; none of us care anymore.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>


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