
C7 Corvette Literally Crashes Ray J’s Dog Party

C7 Corvette Literally Crashes Ray J’s Dog Party

C7 Corvette Literally Crashes Ray J’s Dog Party

ray j vette

Alright, now that I’ve googled Ray J, I’m officially ready to write this post.

Nope, not quite. Turns out I lied. Hold on one sec while I figure out what the heck a “dog party” is.

Okay, I’m back. And believe me, that bit of research has made me no smarter.

Here’s the deal: Ray J is a singer, producer, and actor who’s the brother of Brandy and the cousin of Snoop Dogg. Apparently he’s big time, though I guess I failed to notice. He’s also seemingly loaded, as he has enough money to throw a $30,000 birthday bash for his Maltese, Boogotti. Turns out a dog party is just that: a party for a dog.

As you can infer by his dog’s name, if not his spelling, Ray J is also seemingly into supercars. He certainly rolled up to the dog party in a nice Ferrari, as you can see in the TMZ video below. Unfortunately, Ray J’s entrance was quickly overshadowed by his friend’s C7 Corvette getting clipped by an SUV. You can only hear the accident in the vid, but it sure sounds bad. And TMZ reports that “the driver’s door … of the $80,000 machine … was almost torn off by the passing SUV!”

After the tow truck driver gets the C7 all rigged up, he’s lucky enough to snap a selfie with Ray J, which is pretty cool, especially if you know who he is. Unfortunately, it appears Boogotti was already partying at that point, so Ray J’s pup didn’t partake.

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via [TMZ]

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