
Ironically Winning a 1972 Corvette Just Like Dad’s

Ironically Winning a 1972 Corvette Just Like Dad’s

Ironically Winning a 1972 Corvette Just Like Dad’s

1972 Corvette Contest Prize

This 1972 Corvette is the same color and almost the same model year as the winner’s dad’s former ride.

Many of us get our love of Corvettes from our parents or another relative, spending previous time with them at a young and impressionable age. And that’s also why many of us wind up purchasing a Corvette latter on down the road – sometimes, ones that are either just like the cars we remember from our childhood, or maybe even those exact vehicles themselves, if we’re lucky enough. That’s somewhat true of Colorado Springs resident John Coppin, who recently acquired a 1972 Corvette that’s just like his dad’s old ’71 – but in this case, he ironically won the car in a contest recently hosted by automotive repair chain Meineke, according to Fox 21 News.

Meineke put on the contest to celebrate its 50th anniversary, and anyone that had their own vehicle serviced by the company was entered to win. Coppin – who is the Safety and Security Director and Dean of School at New Summit Charter – was the lucky winner, but Meineke also donated $5,000 to his employer when he took delivery of the grand prize – a white 1972 Corvette – earlier this month. However, that isn’t even the best part of this story.

1972 Corvette Contest Prize

Turns out, Coppin has some fond memories of his dad’s old 1971 Corvette, which was also painted white, ironically enough. John Sr. and Jr. spent a number of years bonding over that particular car until his dad wound up selling it to a museum some time ago, making this a pretty emotional “reunion” of sorts. “I”m grateful to Meineke,” Coppin said. “They have played a huge role in making a lifelong dream of mine come true.”

Fittingly, Coppin took delivery of his familiar-looking C3 at the school, where his students and other faculty were able to share the special moment with him. While it’s obviously pretty exciting to win a vehicle of any kind in any contest, the fact that this one featured such a familiar prize, well, that makes it a bit extra special.


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