
How-To Tuesday: Corvette Brake Noises

How-To Tuesday: Corvette Brake Noises

How-To Tuesday: Corvette Brake Noises


There are some obvious signs that can point out brake issues, but some may be less evident than others. In each circumstance, coming to a remedy can be an investigative game. Fortunately for you, our How-To writers have run the gauntlet already on your behalf. Of course you’ll need to run the same tests, but at least you’ll have a cheat sheet.

One piece of good news, for those of you less mechanically inclined, your car does have a few ways to help you know that it’s time to check your brakes. One way is shown in the picture above. This C6 rim comes from the factory in a non-polished finish, and that is the color in the middle. What you are seeing towards the outside of the rim is brake dust, which takes the appearance of rust or reddish-brown dust. Which can be confusing if you live in the south, where the soil is red, or if you drive on dirt roads.

So what other indicators might you have?

How about brake noises? Have you ever heard your Corvette screech or squeal or make a metal grinding noise when coming to a stop? Usually (hopefully), that is a brake wear indicator. Manufacturers build in a wear indicator to let you know that it’s time to replace your brake pads.

wear indicator

Your Corvette may be giving you hints at the brake issues you are having right now. How can you know? Start by taking a read through today’s How-To Tuesday article. It goes through several diagnostic options for you to do at home. One thing to never take for granted with a Corvette is the ability to stop and to do so safely.

Do you have any tricks or tests that we missed or should have added to the article? Fill us in and help us all keep our Corvette’s stopping on a dime!

Read the entire Corvette Forum How-To Tuesday article. >>

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