
Disabled Veteran’s Hand-Controlled C7 Z06

Disabled Veteran’s Hand-Controlled C7 Z06

Disabled Veteran’s Hand-Controlled C7 Z06

Disabled Veteran's Hand-Controlled C7 Z06

A Corvette Forum Member and Disabled Veteran Is the Proud Owner of a New Hand-Controlled C7 Z06

Serving in the United States Armed Forces is one of the most rewarding and courageous things any American can accomplish. Unfortunately, there are great risks that come with the job, and too many of our young men and women are injured in the line of duty. When the unfortunate happens, though, you can just accept that your life has changed forever, or you can tell life to get the hell out of your face. Because you are going to do whatever you want to, and no person or injury is going to stop you.

Disabled Veteran's Hand-Controlled C7 Z06

This brings us to Corvette Forum member AaronZ51. This good man served in the United States Marine Corp, and now he is wheelchair bound. I don’t know the details behind why he is in the chair, but I do know that he didn’t let that stop him from enjoying America’s greatest sports car. Oh no, AaronZ51 holds the keys to a new Corvette Z06.

AaronZ51 ordered the car new, and had it shipped to San Diego for a hand-control install. Then he flew down from his home in Washington to pick up the yellow rocket ship, so he could road trip back north.

CHECK OUT: What Forum Members Are Saying About AaronZ51’s Z06

This is because he is more awesome than any of us.

His trip included romps through the redwood forests, time on the PCH, and a bit of canyon bombing. In less than a week, he managed to flog his brand new C7 Z06 more than 1,800 miles. If you ever want to know how life is supposed to be lived, and how Corvettes are supposed to be enjoyed, just hit AaronZ51 up on the forum. This man can teach you how it’s done.

As a side note, if you or anyone you know needs some hand controls, Aaron seems to speak pretty highly of the Guido Simplex system he had installed. It looks to be a huge improvement over the traditional designs. He talks about it more in the forum, so go say hi and feel free to ask questions. And don’t forget to thank him for his service.

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