
UPDATE: Elderly Driver Accidentally Parks Ford Fusion Atop Corvette

UPDATE: Elderly Driver Accidentally Parks Ford Fusion Atop Corvette

UPDATE: Elderly Driver Accidentally Parks Ford Fusion Atop Corvette

UPDATE: Elderly Driver Accidentally Parks Ford Fusion Atop Corvette

Elderly Woman Reportedly Hits Accelerator Instead of Brake

UPDATE 3/9/2017: A previous version of this story reported that a woman driving a Ford Fusion caught her cheating husband in a Walmart parking lot with a young blonde in his classic Corvette, and in a fit of rage, the wife drove her sedan atop the classic sports car. According to a more recent ABC News report, however, the Ford Fusion driver was actually an elderly woman who accidentally hit the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal, and despite the property damage, no one was injured.

According to Jalopnik, a phone call to Jason Motz — a local bystander who captured video of the Corvette atop the Ford Fusion — revealed that the owner of the Corvette was not inside his vehicle during the accident. Motz also said the 1959 Corvette’s owner, an elderly man who has owned the car since 1979, “Kept his composure…. [upon discovering the damage, and that] The crowd was more shocked than he was.”

Though the updated story lacks the drama of the original reports we received, the fact still remains, a C1 Corvette has been damaged. That is something that will never be easy to digest. Thankfully, we can take solace in that no one was injured, and no marriages were harmed during the cracking of the fiberglass.

However, if you’re a glutton for gore, and wish to see this classic American treasure scarred, scroll downward, but for those with sensitive eyes, spare yourselves. This is a dark moment for one particular 1959 Corvette, and if you prefer to look away, you have our support.

CHECK OUT: What Forum Members Are Saying About This Damaged C1

UPDATE: Elderly Driver Accidentally Parks Ford Fusion Atop Corvette

UPDATE: Elderly Driver Accidentally Parks Ford Fusion Atop Corvette

Here’s the Facebook Live video Jason Motz posted that documents the Corvette’s recovery. Damage to the 1959 Corvette seems fairly extensive, as you would expect.


1959 Corvette has a car parked on it! I was corrected on the year of the car by somebody that knows the owner. I corrected it from 58 to a 59. Thanks

Posted by Jason Motz on Thursday, March 2, 2017


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