
Corvette Driver Narrowly Missed Being Hit by Fallen Tree

Corvette Driver Narrowly Missed Being Hit by Fallen Tree

Corvette Driver Narrowly Missed Being Hit by Fallen Tree

Corvette Driver Narrowly Missed Being Hit by Fallen Tree

Crushed C4 yet another reminder that it’s important to keep our love for cars in perspective.

A man driving a Corvette had to be rushed to the hospital when a tree struck by lightning fell on his car.

The incident happened in North Carolina and apparently could have been far worse for the driver. Still, according to a WCNC NBC news report, the driver remains in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. But apparently, had he not had the wherewithal to quickly lower himself to move out of the driver’s seat when the tree fell, he could have very easily been killed. As you can see in the photo, the black Corvette was literally crushed by the tree. And it appears as if a substantial amount of the impact hit the car right in the core area of the cabin.

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A witness on the scene said emergency personnel actually had to pull the driver from the back of the Corvette to get him out of the car.

“There was a gentleman that had stopped and come up to talk to him, and asked if he was okay and then I heard his voice and I was very relieved,” she told the local NBC affiliate.

We’ve certainly come across some rather odd occurrences when it comes to Corvettes and accidents, but this one definitely ranks among the most bizarre. It also is another clear reminder that as much as much as we love our Corvettes, it’s important to keep it all in perspective. That said, here’s hoping that the driver caught in this unfortunate act of nature makes a full recovery.

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