
Does Your Corvette Pull Double Duty As A Grocery Getter?

Does Your Corvette Pull Double Duty As A Grocery Getter?

Does Your Corvette Pull Double Duty As A Grocery Getter?

 Does Your Corvette Pull Double Duty As A Grocery Getter?

The Corvette has the best cargo capacity in the class, so why is it weird to use it?

It isn’t a secret that there are a lot of strong opinions in the Corvette Forum world, but we think the biggest and most interesting divide is between the groups that we’ll call “users” and “savers.” Users are the folks who think their Corvette is a car and nothing more. It’s made to get dirty, haul things, and generally be beat upon like you would any other tool. It’s basically a fast and sexy screwdriver. On the other hand, savers treat their cars like masterpieces of design and engineering that are to be cherished, enjoyed and protected. So basically, it’s the age-old fight between the track-day goons and the bi-weekly waxers.

Does Your Corvette Pull Double Duty As A Grocery Getter?

(Full disclosure: We’re so far to the side of “use and beat” your Corvette that we want to get our inner Betsy Ross on and sew a flag for it)

Recently, Ridgerunner 7.62 posted a photo in the forum of his Corvette as a grocery getter and asked for more photos. He wants to know many others use their Corvettes as something more than a pleasure cruiser.

So far, the results have been magic.

Unsurprisingly, we have a few people jumping in to express their thoughts on how hauling things should be a pickup’s job. Others are talking about the “rules” they have for their Corvettes. But overall, the thread is filled with amazing photos and stories of Corvettes doubling as cargo trucks. Bags of mulch, used NASCAR tires, whole bicycles, and even an entire toilet. Our favorite is a C7 convertible with what looks to be about 4 dozen 1×8 boards and some quick lay tile strapped in.

ALSO SEE: When Will You Have ‘Enough’ Power In Your Corvette? 

Everyone in the world knows that Corvettes are fast, agile and beautiful. But they still have a stigma about them. They’re perceived to be impractical, cramped, and unusable for anything beyond driving fast. Threads like this — and more importantly being seen in public like this, will help change that perception. In order for GM to make faster, better, and (most importantly) more Corvettes, they need to sell more Corvettes. What better way for one spouse to convince another that the Corvette is practical than show someone hauling a couple hundred pounds of decking material?

So we beseech you, Corvette owners: Please use your car to its fullest extent. We aren’t asking you to drill holes in the roof to mount racks, and we don’t necessarily want to see your C7 at the local RallyCross meet. But please don’t be afraid to get your car a little wet, a little dirty, or to put a few things in the trunk. You won’t do anything to your car that a good wash, polish and vacuuming can’t fix.

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