
C6 Corvette With Titanium Exhaust Sounds Like a C8 Z06!

C6 Corvette With Titanium Exhaust Sounds Like a C8 Z06!

C6 Corvette With Titanium Exhaust Sounds Like a C8 Z06!

C6 Corvette With Titanium Exhaust

This unique long-tube, catless titanium exhaust makes the LS3 in this C6 Corvette sound more like a flat-plane crank than a pushrod V8.

Exhaust systems have long been one of the most popular modifications enthusiasts have made to their vehicles, for obvious reasons. Swapping out the stock, restrictive pipes on most cars results in more sound and a bit more power, making them a bit of a no-brainer in the vast world of aftermarket upgrades. For those with a higher budget, titanium exhaust systems are both beautiful to look at and unique to listen to, which is precisely why the folks at Hoonigan recently decided to install a very special one on their very own C6 Corvette.

The idea here isn’t just to make the C6 Corvette louder, however – rather, Hoonigan is conducting a bit of a scientific experiment to see if they can make it sound like something completely different – an exotic supercar. This is quite a tall task for the LS3-powered ride, which typically features a traditional, throaty American V8 sound, which is quite different when compared to the higher-revving, overhead-cam, flat-plane V8 noises generated by something like the C8 Z06 or any number of foreign supercars.

C6 Corvette With Titanium Exhaust

However, the aftermarket always finds a way to switch things up, and that’s precisely the case with the titanium exhaust featured in this video, which was created by Celeritech specifically to make a traditional pushrod V8 sound a bit more exotic. The pipes don’t have mufflers to dull the sound either, though it is designed to change the pitch in a rather significant manner thanks to a unique setup that’s quite a bit different than the Texas Speed exhaust Hoonigan is going to compare it to.

The titanium pipes are designed to eliminate lower pitched sounds in favor of high ones, and it’s hand-built in the U.S. in small batches – making it quite a nice piece to look at, not just listen to. However, it certainly is pretty amazing in that department as well, aside from the fact that it’s loud enough to make bystanders suffer hearing loss at full throttle. The more they get on it, the better it gets, as the LS3 is making some pretty sweet Ferrari-like noises – proving that thanks to science, we can, in fact, teach an old engine new tricks.


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