
Rare 35th Anniversary Corvette Crosses Auction Block Twice for Charity

Rare 35th Anniversary Corvette Crosses Auction Block Twice for Charity

Rare 35th Anniversary Corvette Crosses Auction Block Twice for Charity

35th Anniversary Corvette

Thanks to a trio of generous people, this special 35th Anniversary Corvette has already raised over a half million for charity.

Generally, a car that’s auctioned off twice in the same year might just raise a few red flags. But in the case of this stellar 1988 35th Anniversary Corvette, it’s actually a good thing. The one of 2,050 produced special editions originally sold at Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale back in January. Offered up by Barrett-Jackson CEO Craig Jackson himself out of his own personal collection. Jackson had acquired the car from a friend back in 2006, but decided to auction it off with all proceeds going to the American Heart Association.

And it did a fantastic job at that. The 35th Anniversary Corvette netted a whopping $350,000 at Scottsdale. But no one could have anticipated what the generous buyer would do next  donate the car back once again. And then, just a few months later, the special Corvette crossed the block a second time at the Barrett-Jackson Palm Beach auction. This time, the car netted “only” $180,000. But with a combined total of over a half million raised for the AMA, we’d hardly call that a failure.

35th Anniversary Corvette

No word yet on whether the new owner of the 35th Anniversary Corvette will go for the trifecta. But according to Jackson, the car has already inspired at least one other person. A customer watching the auction on TV called and offered to donate their 35th Anniversary Corvette, a car built on the same day as this one. And now that car is headed to a future auction itself!

35th Anniversary Corvette

It’s a touching reminder that there are a lot of good hearted, generous folks in this business. Not to mention plenty of people willing to open up their checkbooks (and their garages) to help a good cause!

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