
Chevrolet Corvette Guide for Breaking In Tires

Chevrolet Corvette Guide for Breaking In Tires

Chevrolet Corvette Guide for Breaking In Tires

You probably know that the tires on your Chevrolet Corvette are comprised of a series of different components that work together to make your tire work as it’s supposed to, but a tire does not come from the factory ready to reach optimum performance from day one. During the molding process, a lubricant is applied to the outside of the tire to allow them to slide from the mold more easily, and this lubricant sinks into the rubber. This lubricant must be worn off during a break-in period and before that has been done, your Vette may not grip as well as it could. Also, the different components of the tire such as the tread surface and inner structure need a break-in period to allow the road heat to get all of the components moving together properly.

A good rule of thumb is that 500 miles of normal, non-aggressive
driving will allow your tires enough time, pressure, and heat to wear
away the molding lubricants and to break-in the structure of the tire.
By allowing the break-in period, you can help prevent early wear or
failure due to extreme pressure or heat before the components of the
tire have a chance to bond together properly.

It is also important to keep in mind that a tire may seem to get
improved traction later in its life due to the low tread depth. New
tires, with a much deeper tread will often seem to not handle as well
early on, but once you’ve broken in your tires, you will get all of the
traction and braking ability expected.

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