
1 to 4 Shift Lock-Out Relay

1 to 4 Shift Lock-Out Relay

1 to 4 Shift Lock-Out Relay

those of you experiencing difficulty with the 1 to 4 shift lock-out, or
for those of you who wish to experience shifting through all your six
gears, here is a simple fix: on the passenger side, just in front of the
fire wall, and mounted on the fender well, is a relay, that when
disconnected, will disable the 1 to 4 lock-out allowing you a very smooth
shift transition through all 6 gears. Simply locate the correct relay
(your shop manual will identify it); disconnect the relay; place a piece
of styrofoam between the connections to prevent electrical contact and
moisture absorbtion; reconnect the relay onto the fender well
Just remember that you will always display an error code
during a diagnostic check, so alert the technician, if your vette is in
for repair, to disregard that error code for the 1 to 4 lock-out.

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