
Corvette Joyrider Gets Busted

Corvette Joyrider Gets Busted

Corvette Joyrider Gets Busted

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[VIDEO] Parking Lot Owner Takes Customer's Corvette on a 61-mile Joyride

This video posted by WFTV in Cocoa, Florida is a Corvette owner’s worst nightmare.

You probably cringe when you have to turn the keys to your pride and joy over to a parking lot attendant when you just go to a restaurant. Imagine if the following happened while you were on a long cruise.

Companies like Premier Parking Spot in Cocoa claim they?ll shuttle you to the cruise ship, then take good care of your car while you’re away.

But WFTV’s Jeff Deal got a tip that Premier owner Jay Nieves was actually using the cars of customers while they were gone.

To test that claim, WFTV rented a 2012 Corvette and sent a husband and wife going on ?vacation? to leave the car at Premier.

Just six hours after the couple dropped off the Corvette, the GPS monitoring device installed by the TV station sent WFTV a text message that the car was in motion.

The station captured Nieves and an employee joyriding in the car, peeling out on dirt roads and even taking pictures of the Corvette in front of the Premier owner’s house. They parked it at an Applebee’s, and the GPS showed Nieves even parked it at his home overnight. A couple of days later, he drove all over town on errands, including a stop at Ace Hardware.

Later, he filled it with lumber at his home and even let a dog run around inside the car.

Deal finally confronted Nieves outside the car near the business when it was parked with the top down.

?You’re going to say you weren’t driving the car? Tell me the truth. Be honest with me,? Deal said to Nieves.

?You’re completely wrong,? said Nieves.

GPS records showed the car had been driven 61 miles since being dropped off at Premier!

Maybe the dog did it!

Corvette Joyrider Gets Busted

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