
We Want Your Bird-Crap-Covered Corvette Pics!

We Want Your Bird-Crap-Covered Corvette Pics!

We Want Your Bird-Crap-Covered Corvette Pics!


We all know the feeling. You spend all that time getting your Corvette spanking clean, you polish up that paint to a mirror shine, and then, when you actually go out for a drive, it gets covered in bird crap.


Corvette Forum member USAMRYTTT ran into the same issue, which he posted about in a thread titled, “Seagulls are the DEVIL!!!!” Apparently when USAMRYTTT left his 2015 Shark Grey Corvette coupe parked at Costco, what must have been a rather large seagull left a huge splatter, right across the top of the hood and onto the windshield. It was a big enough mess that he was worried some ruffian had actually thrown something on the car. At first glance, it does look a lot like the reminiscences of a vanilla milkshake. Or perhaps Oreo.

As annoying as it is, USARMYTTT luckily had some cleanup spray and a microfiber rag in the car, so he was able to clean it off before it etched the clear coat.

But what about you guys? We’ve all been there, but have we all taken photos of it? We hope so, because we want to see what photos we can come up with of Corvettes covered in bird crap. So, post all the photos you can of dung covered ‘Vettes, and we’ll come back in a few days and do a wrap up piece with a big crappy gallery.

It’s just a little way to have some fun when dealing with a dirty and annoying problem. Now get to posting!

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