
Video: Corvette Museum Sinkhole Update

Video: Corvette Museum Sinkhole Update

Video: Corvette Museum Sinkhole Update

National Corvette Museum Restoration Skydome

The video below is candy for my eyeballs. I imagine it’ll be eyeball candy for just about every other Corvette fan, too. Why? Listen to the sound of all that machinery clacking. That is proof that restoring the Skydome at the National Corvette Museum is really underway.

If you sense a bit of sarcasm in my “really” comment, you should. So many of the plans surrounding the museum have been up in the air until recently.

The video, which features one of the project managers discussing the process, makes it vividly clear that we’ve finally cleared that hurdle. In fact, the 1:30 clip provides a pretty thorough update on the restoration of the Skydome. This is news every Corvette fan in the world should revel in.

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