Tech Thursday: C6 Infotainment
Tech Thursday: C6 Infotainment
Tech Thursday: C6 Infotainment
Why Mod?
Many C6 owners wound up installing aftermarket infotainment/NAV systems. The simple reason is that the Corvette’s stock system, debuted in 2005, was already behind the curve when the C6 was first released. Today, it’s simply archaic– in order to update the maps you need to purchase CDs from Chevy. Furthermore, for older C6’s that haven’t been updated, many roads are simply missing from maps resulting in circuitous, inefficient routes. There are many things to love about the C6, the navigation isn’t one. The only redeeming feature is that it can be used in concert with the Head’s Up Display (HUD) while aftermarket systems cannot.
Most owners simply use their smart-phones, buy a windshield mounted Garmin or TomTom or replace/forego the entire OEM infotainment opting for a Pioneer, Kenwood, or other aftermarket system.
For a detailed write up on how to DIY install an aftermarket NAV system check out this thread.
If you’d prefer to just install an AUX input and have the OEM Nav system, then check out this thread.
Finally, if you’re a brave soul (or stubborn) and want to “rough” it with GM’s Nav system, below are manuals on its use compiled by CF Tech Contributor Talon90:
Using the Corvette navigation system Index
Using the Corvette navigation system Part 1
Using the Corvette navigation system Part 2
Using the Corvette navigation system Part 3
Using the Corvette navigation system Part 4
Using the Corvette navigation system Part 5