Nine of the Hottest Arctic White C7 Corvette Photos
Nine of the Hottest Arctic White C7 Corvette Photos
Nine of the Hottest Arctic White C7 Corvette Photos
Okay, the cat’s out of the bag.
When I told a friend I was going to do a rundown of my favorite Arctic White C7s, his response was, “What color don’t you like the C7 in?” My response was, aside from my obsession with black on black, I pretty much like ‘em all. It just depends on my mood – so much so that we here at Corvette Forum have decided to make this top nine color piece a recurring theme.
Now that I’ve cleared that up, here are pics pulled from a related Corvette Forum thread that I think really capture the spirit of the C7 in Arctic White.
Vegas Panton
5150 BRD
Higgs Boson