
National Corvette Museum Might Leave Some Damaged Corvettes Unrestored

National Corvette Museum Might Leave Some Damaged Corvettes Unrestored

National Corvette Museum Might Leave Some Damaged Corvettes Unrestored


It appears the jury is still out on whether all of the “Magnificent Eight” Corvettes damaged in the sinkhole at the National Corvette Museum will be restored.

Not that it really should come as big surprise. Some of the cars like the 2001 Mallett Hammer Z06, the last Corvette removed from the sinkhole, are so badly mangled that it’s hard to imagine what it would take to actually restore them. Of course, the Museum has already said it will display all the damaged Corvettes through the summer for visitors to see. Now it seems museum officials might leave a few of the cars unrestored and on display permanently, according to an Automotive News report.

General Motors and the National Corvette Museum are scheduled to meet next month to discuss the issue and make a decision on the cars, notes GM spokesman Monte Doran in the story. Personally, I’m still not sold on leaving any of the damaged cars on display permanently; however, I guess there is something symbolic about it all considering how much attention the catastrophe has drawn in highlighting the passion for Corvettes around the world.

Should all of the Great Eight sinkhole Corvettes be restored?

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