
Found at Walmart: 2015 Corvette Z06 Prototype

Found at Walmart: 2015 Corvette Z06 Prototype

Found at Walmart: 2015 Corvette Z06 Prototype

Corvette Z06 in Camoflage (Z07)

Find deals on a 36-pack of Budweiser, a carton of cigarettes and a mega pack of beef jerky, and you’ve got yourself a good day at Walmart.

Find a 2015 Corvette Z06 test mule in the Walmart parking lot, and you’ve got yourself a great day at Walmart that could only be topped with cracked-out Rollback pricing where every item in the store is three cents or less.

The guys who shot the video below were lucky enough to have their great day at a Walmart in Yuma, Arizona when they found a Z06 prototype fitted with the Z07 package. The test vehicle was coming from the nearby GM Desert Proving Grounds.

Once the guys in the video spotted this camo’d ‘Vette, they got about as giddy as though Kate Upton were undressing in front of them … a reaction we find quite reasonable given the situation. Equipped with a camera, the guys follow the Z06 into a parking space where they proceed to camera-probe the car for five minutes as though they were documenting a nude Ms. Upton … again, reasonable.

Check out the up-close and personal shots below.

Sources [Jalopnik, The Guy from Yuma, MotoCicleta]

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