Corvette Forum Saves a German Shepherd Puppy
Corvette Forum Saves a German Shepherd Puppy
Corvette Forum Saves a German Shepherd Puppy
Amid all the gasoline-powered discussion happening on CorvetteForum, something amazing has happened. Typically, forum members get together to show off their Corvettes and socialize, but over this past holiday season, a group of CorvetteForum members got together to save the life of a German shepherd named Shiloh.
On Nov. 30, 2013 CF member “99C5Vert” posted this photo and call-to-action in the Off-Topic section of our forum:
“I’m looking into rescuing a seven-month-old German shepherd from being euthanized. The only problem is I’m in Virginia, and she’s in Texas. Is anyone traveling from Dallas toward Virginia later this week? I could certainly use the help. Please post here if you can help. Thanks.”
99C5Vert said someone brought Shiloh to the kennel because she was larger than expected. 99C5Vert‘s post resonated with many on the forum — the reply posts flooded in with transportation suggestions and volunteers willing to lend a helping hand.
Over the course of a few days, the logistics were finalized, and by Dec. 4, 2013, forum members “Liz”, “FEDX“, “yamahajo” and “bikerjim2000” were ready to form a doggie rescue relay halfway across the United States to get Shiloh to her new, loving home in Virginia.
Other members like “Aerovette” marveled at the immense outpouring of love on the forum:
“What an awesome bunch of people. You have my utmost respect. What’s the lesson? Working together, anything can be accomplished. Good luck with the sweet doggie.”
The following are images snapped by participating members along different legs of the journey:
“99C5Vert: FEDX just picked her up from Liz. Here she is at the rendezvous point in Little Rock.”
“Another pic in Little Rock.”
“At Memphis”
“FEDX: From the road.”
“yamahajo: So well-behaved in the car — I’m glad FEDX gave me the heads-up that she likes seat belts, as I saw her going after mine a time or two, and I did warn BikerJim! I brought a squeaky elephant from my pup’s toy bin and she loves it, so it’s traveling with her the rest of the way now. My pups will never know it’s gone — they have too many toys as it is.”
“And for good measure, a driving selfie with little miss well-behaved.”
“99C5Vert: Jodi (yamahajo) handing off to Jim (bikerjim2000) for the last leg before she meets Gail.”
By Dec. 5, Shiloh was home.
“99C5Vert: She’s home! Obligatory blurry pic.”
Here’s a Facebook video link to Shiloh’s first moments of celebratory play at her new home.
“99C5Vert: She certainly plays hard, and then passes out.”
A few days later, paul 74 asked, “It’s been a couple of days since she arrived at her new home. How is she fitting in?”
99C5Vert said, “She’s doing great. A bit of potty training still needed, but the important stuff is all good. Super friendly to people, plays nice with our dog, and has clearly not seen snow before.”
Here’s a Dropbox video link to Shiloh playing in snow.
Aerovette chimed in again to give some more praise:
“I have told so many people about this thread. One of the best things I have seen happen. I tend to be jaded and cynical, but it is actions like this that give me a breath of fresh air and some renewed faith in people.”
Join the discussion about this heartwarming story in our forum.