
Corvette Accident Borders on Bizarre

Corvette Accident Borders on Bizarre

Corvette Accident Borders on Bizarre

Corvette accident text

This is one of those bizarre things you look at and immediately think – what the hell?

The photo, which we discovered in a Corvette Forum thread, shows a C6 that crashed into a pole, as reported in a local Fox News story in Tampa. The report offers very little detail on exactly what happened, and it appears the driver standing next to the police officer is having a hard time explaining as well.

I will say, however, that some Corvette Forum members came up with pretty funny captions for the photo.

Below are my five favorites.

b0xm0ns73r – I bet getting out was fun. As my Dad would say, “That first step’s a doozy.”

CorvetteSparky – It looks to me like the kid is saying, “My dad’s going to kill me!” It also looks like maybe he only got a few feet out of the driveway. That might be a good thing.

Judgebull– Excessive Corvette enthusiasm. Gets you every time.

R&L’s C6 – That will buff right out.

Red Racer- “Just hangin’ around with my buds, officer.”

I’m just glad there were no serious injuries because this could have gone very badly, really easily.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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