Which Mods Are Most Beneficial to the C7 Z06?
Which Mods Are Most Beneficial to the C7 Z06?
Which Mods Are Most Beneficial to the C7 Z06?
Warranty — lets completely forget about that word for now. What we want to know are the most beneficial modifications you can make to your Z06, in order to make it an even more enjoyable daily driver. Putting something like an ECU flash will eke out some extra grunt while keeping driving dynamics the same, but on the other hand, a camshaft with monster lobes might not be the best thing you can do for a daily driver.
In this thread started on our forums, the question above was asked, sadly with “warranty” being thrown around with little regard for the OP’s driving dynamics question. There were a few informative posts, but we are now on an information quest! To anyone reading with a modified C7 Z06, we want to know what you’ve done to your car to make it just a bit better in daily driving, while still squeezing a bit more out of it for the quarter mile. Specifically, we’d be looking for information on Z06s equipped with the 8-speed automatic, as cooling can become a concern, depending on the modifications performed. So let us know!
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