OPTIMA Presents How-To Tuesday: Blackout Those Corvette Taillights
OPTIMA Presents How-To Tuesday: Blackout Those Corvette Taillights
OPTIMA Presents How-To Tuesday: Blackout Those Corvette Taillights
Blacking-out a Corvette isn’t a new fad. The Corvette community has been doing it for a long, long time. However, the options and ways to blackout a car have increased. Depending on where you stand, this is a fantastic trend, or a really horrible fad. My dad agrees with the latter. I aim for more of the fantastic variety. If you ask me, and I know that you did, Michael Keaton and the 1989 Batman movie pushed the all-black-everything trend to the forefront… for the better. But I digress.
So what is a Corvette owner to do if he or she is wishing to spend their time going full blackout? Well, our wonderful How-To community of writers have given you just the article that you have been searching for, about how to blackout your stock taillights. After three short steps, and upon waiting 5 to 24 hours, you too can give your Corvette the custom look you have been desiring.
Personally, I went with the less time consuming option on my Corvette many years ago. This was before I had read the article that is linked above. I went the route of purchasing the blackout option rather than going full do-it-yourself. Does my car look as good as others? I would vote no. That said, I didn’t have the patience to wait. Maybe one of these days I’ll follow the advice of the article and take on this project, but until then I’ll stick with the pre-cut option on my car.
There’s no shame in the pre-fab game, especially when they look as good as the picture of this C5 above. That’s one of the great things about Corvette ownership, if you don’t like one option, there are generally many others to choose from. So let’s see your taillights! Stock or not, blacked-out taillights are a statement maker on just about any color, on any Corvette.
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