How-To Tuesday: C7 Corvette Secrets
How-To Tuesday: C7 Corvette Secrets
How-To Tuesday: C7 Corvette Secrets
Hey. Guess what? I don’t know everything about the C7 Corvette. Blew your mind, didn’t I? No? Well some things are not surprising. Some things are. Something that surprised me a little bit recently? I learned something new about the C7 Corvette by reading this week’s How-To Tuesday article uncovering the latest generation’s top secrets.
Obviously the cover has long been pulled back from the seventh generation Corvette. There are no more secrets to be weened from the C7. Or are there? You see, we all assume that every bit of tech and every piece of information has been found. But I’m gonna guess that there may be one or two secrets in the article that you don’t know yet.
Fortunately for you, the NSA already has all the information on the C7 Corvette, and likely has knowledge about the long-awaited mid-engine version of the General Motors flagship as well. But that won’t stop them from making sure that they check on this article, just to make sure. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t have the same information as the National Security Agency, so we fully expect you to read through the article. Top Secret isn’t what it used to be, and the last thing you want is to be un-knowledgeable in regards to the best production Corvette ever made.
The bigger question may be this? Is there something on the C7 that the NSA doesn’t know about? If you think you can stump them, let us know!
Read the entire Corvette Forum How-To Tuesday article. >>