
Hennessey Debuts HPE1000 C7 Corvette

Hennessey Debuts HPE1000 C7 Corvette

Hennessey Debuts HPE1000 C7 Corvette


We tend to talk about Hennessey Performance a lot on Corvette Forum. Why? Because the packages and mods Hennessey makes are among the most ridiculous things you could do to your already super fast cars. Hennessey essentially takes cars that already make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, and pushes them into the realm of “Holy God, I’m going to die.”

So I think I speak for everyone here in saying that we’d really love a go in everything Hennessey makes. Case in point, the HPE1000 package for the C7 Corvette. The HPE1000 package gives you a 2.9L supercharger, forged internals, and a new exhaust, which all add up to 847 horsepower and 720lb-ft of torque, at the wheels.

Hennessey, as they tend to do, provided this wonderful little teaser video of the HPE1000 Corvette running on their dyno. And it’s making what can only be described as something that sounds like a sawzall mating with the devil himself. It’s awesome, enjoy.

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via [hpedesign]

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