Facebook Fridays: This Corvette Meme Says it All
Facebook Fridays: This Corvette Meme Says it All
Facebook Fridays: This Corvette Meme Says it All
I’m betting today’s Facebook Fridays photo will strike a chord here with more than a few Corvette fans.
The meme sure has lit up High Tech Corvette’s Facebook page since going up yesterday.
The crazy thing is that it’s hard to figure out from the comments if most folks like the pic for its line about Corvettes, or for the fact that it was created by a guy named Eric Cartman, who apparently isn’t the Eric Cartman from the hit show South Park.
“Oh my god that’s hilarious and it’s funnier because I heard Eric Cartman reading it,” commented Brandon Harris.
“I heard “Cartman’s” voice as I read the meme!” added Jesse Reyna.
It seems the pic has even attracted the attention of a few Corvette haters, or perhaps just trolls looking for attention.
Either way, the meme has already pulled in 6,000 likes and 729 shares, making it pretty clear that regardless of how you look at it, this is one well-liked post.
Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>
Via [High Tech Corvette’s Facebook]