
Facebook Fridays: How Does This Custom C7 Corvette Make You Feel?

Facebook Fridays: How Does This Custom C7 Corvette Make You Feel?

Facebook Fridays: How Does This Custom C7 Corvette Make You Feel?

FB C7 Emoji

Go ahead, let it rip. I want your honest opinion on this custom C7’s color combo in the photo above, which we pulled for this week’s Facebook Friday post. After all, it’ll give you a chance to put one of those new Facebook “Reaction” emojis to use.

Personally, I’d stick to the more traditional “like” icon for the photo pulled from Corvette Online’s FB page. But I’m sure there are probably a few who’d probably click the new “love,” “yay,” or “wow” emoji for this custom C7. Although, I think the latter might be a little bit extreme.

That said, based on some of the comments found on the post, the ‘Vette could prompt some to click the new “sad” or “angry” Facebook emojis.

The only one left would be the “haha” emoji, and this custom Corvette certainly isn’t deserving of that kind of reaction at all.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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