
Corvette Forum Member’s Photo Captures True Love

Corvette Forum Member’s Photo Captures True Love

Corvette Forum Member’s Photo Captures True Love

Corvette Forum Member

This is one photo that certainly is well deserving of a front page post here at Corvette Forum, and a few other sites too, if I had my say. Not only is it a great looking photo, but at a time where we’ve become accustomed to seeing those “I’m in love” Facebook posts change like the weather, this one provides us with a much better perspective on the true meaning of love.

The photo was shared by Corvette Forum member Outlawkinser in a thread titled, “50 Years of Marriage and 38 Years With The Same Corvette.” It was taken at a party with friends celebrating a long and happy relationship with his wife and his Stingray.

“On May 22, 2015, my wife and I celebrated 50 years of marriage,” wrote Outlawkinser. “The ‘Vette has been a part of that marriage for 38 years.”

Now, friends, that’s the kind of love that truly deserves a lot of likes and shares on Facebook. And I’m sure I join most here at Corvette Forum in wishing Outlawkinser, his wife and his Corvette many more happy years together down the road.

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