
Corvette Forum Member Drives ’74 Droptop 100 Miles to Get Ice Cream

Corvette Forum Member Drives ’74 Droptop 100 Miles to Get Ice Cream

Corvette Forum Member Drives ’74 Droptop 100 Miles to Get Ice Cream


There are quite a few people out there that don’t drive their beautiful cars. They leave them in the garage forever, collecting dust, degrading tires, and generally making the car much worse than if they would have actually driven it. That’s why, when we get wind of Corvette owners actually driving their vintage Corvettes, we jump at the chance to tell their story, and shame the rest.

One of our forum members, paul 74, went and took his pristine 1974 Corvette on a little trip this weekend. In doing so, he told one great story.


Here it is in Paul’s own words

This is my infamous drive of 100 miles to get a home-made ice cream cone. I have done this for several years. The late morning was 70*F without a cloud in the sky. So what’s a retired old fart to do under these circumstances? Well, drive the Corvette! They even reserved a parking spot for me as in previous years. 

The old 1974 ran very well. The temp gauge ran a pretty consistent 190*F at speeds of 50-75mph. T-stat is 180. Voltage and oil pressure were fine. I enjoy these mechanically uneventful outings. I hit two radar traps but was within 2mph of the limit so no harm done. 

The Wife did the boutique thing for about 45 minutes while I watched small town Canada do its thing where everybody knows everybody. All-in-all a grand trip and a lot of fun. A local lady chastised me for eating in such a fine-looking car. She actually seemed serious?”

Eat on, Paul. We salute you!

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