
California CarMax Salesman Dies During Corvette Test Drive

California CarMax Salesman Dies During Corvette Test Drive

California CarMax Salesman Dies During Corvette Test Drive


There has to be some way to avoid this kind of scenario.

The thought of a car salesman being killed during a Corvette test drive as a result of the driver being under the influence is just tragic beyond belief.

According to a Daily Bulletin report, the California CarMax salesman died after the 2005 Corvette crashed into a tree when the driver testing the vehicle lost control of the car while traveling at a high speed.  Ironically, the driver, a 24-year-old man, lived. The car salesman died later at the hospital.

It’s clear that drugs played a role in this death and the driver is currently facing charges for vehicular manslaughter. However, I’ve talked to a few car salesmen who deal in sports cars who’ve said they’ve had their fair share of scary incidents during some otherwise normal test drives as well.

The truth of the matter is that a lot of people who actually end up buying Corvettes aren’t really qualified to handle that kind of power. So we can only imagine how many times salesmen find themselves in the passenger’s seat with drivers who shouldn’t be anywhere near the wheel of a sports car.

Maybe car dealerships should be given the latitude and time to do more thorough background checks before allowing a person to test drive a car like a Corvette? I’m sure there are some who disagree with the idea, saying it’s a violation of a person’s rights.

But I wonder if they’d be willing to put their lives in the hands of a complete stranger in a 400-horsepower sports car.

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Via [Daily Bulletin]

Photo Source [Daily Mail]

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