
7 More of the Dumbest Corvette Questions Ever Asked

7 More of the Dumbest Corvette Questions Ever Asked

7 More of the Dumbest Corvette Questions Ever Asked

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Worldwide, the Chevrolet Corvette is synonymous with speed, performance, and America. Basically everyone knows what a Corvette is, even if they are oblivious about cars in general. That combination of uninformed motorists and the outlandish and charismatic appearance of our favorite sports cars leads to hilariously dumb questions and conversations.

Just for fun, let’s check out some of the dumbest questions that have been offered forth by our various readers and forum goers. We covered this wonderful thread a few times (here, here, and here), but it’s the gift that keeps on giving, so I think it’s high-time to revisit. These are seven of the dumbest questions I could find on our forums, as well a couple I have heard in my own experience. Enjoy.

1. Is that a new Firebird?! (in 2016….)

2. Do you worry the fiberglass is going to melt in the summer? (heard in Texas)

3. Via forum member 68vxm: My neighbor came by one day when I had the hood up. He watched for a minute, and said, “So, it’s a 710, huh?”. I said “No, that’s ‘OIL’, upside-down” (on the oil cap). I’ve also had the occasional “expert” explain that Corvettes haven’t been made of fiberglass since the ’50s.

4. Via 8APORSH: A service tech at the dealership walked over to me with his clipboard in hand, dip in his mouth, and said, “Sir, it looks like we’re going to have to rotate those tires.” I looked at him with a blank stare and then began laughing. There was an awkward pause, and I then I said, “You’re not kidding, are you?” He replied “no”, and I then replied, “I’ll take my keys back now.”

5. Any number of variations on how many seats are there/where is the back seat?

6. Wow, I bet that thing is almost as fast as a new M3, isn’t it. (overheard at a Cars and Coffee)

7. Via flyeri: After answering that my car is a Corvette, I was asked if Corvette made a truck.

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