
Which Corvette Is Most Deserving of a Zweimüller Restoration?

Which Corvette Is Most Deserving of a Zweimüller Restoration?

Which Corvette Is Most Deserving of a Zweimüller Restoration?


Egon Zweimüller is quickly becoming the go-to name in vintage European restoration circles, but his work doesn’t come cheap. For most of the cars he restores, he requires as much as 10,000 man-hours, and labor is far from free. In addition to that labor, Zweimüller has archives full to the ceiling with as many as one million pieces to reference. This is a team that has been tasked recently with restoring a 1954 Mercedes grand prix racer, various pre-war Bugattis, a gold McLaren M1-A racer once owned by Elvis Presley, and another Presley car, his BMW 507. These are prestige restorations that need to be carried out to the highest of quality, and generally reserved for historically significant and supremely expensive cars. Is there any Corvette from history that you could see being given over to Zweimüller and his craftsmen?


I would argue that the original five Grand Sports would all be deserving of such a service, as they are certainly historically significant, and worth well into the millions. Asked another way, what vintage Corvettes would be worth spending such money to restore? Would an L88 car be worth significantly more if restored by this shop to such exacting detail? Would a 1953 C1 blue flame car?

Let us know what you think about this shop’s work, and what Corvette you’d like to see them restore. For further reference, you can check out some of Zweimüller’s other work by reading this article on CNN or by visiting his beautiful website. Truly impressive work.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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Via [CNN, zweimuellercars, fantasyjunction]

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