These Hot Wheels Stunts Will Make You Want to Shrink Your Corvette
These Hot Wheels Stunts Will Make You Want to Shrink Your Corvette
These Hot Wheels Stunts Will Make You Want to Shrink Your Corvette
So you’re looking for the perfect way to live out your childhood dreams of becoming a stunt driver, but have a very low tolerance for risk, don’t own a car, and are confined to a limited budget? Well, if YouTube videographers 5MadMovieMakers have anything to say about it, you’re far from out of the game. In fact, they’ve perfected the budget-stunt business at a cost that quite simply makes Hollywood’s high-dollar, potentially life-threatening affairs look downright obnoxious. How’d they do it? Simple, you just need a GoPro, a couple Hot Wheels cars and… well that’s about it.
Getting the Shot, Hot Wheels Style
This creative crew converted one of their downsized stunt cars into a camera rig by removing the toy car’s body and replacing it with a compact GoPro Hero Session camera. If you’re not familiar with the Hero Session, it’s about half the size and weight of its already quite-portable cousins. The Session also costs less than other GoPro units, so you’ll have some extra change around if you somehow manage to melt it to a Hot Wheels.
Each stunt in the three-minute extravaganza is captured in the third-person to demonstrate the layout. Next, the view switches to the Camera-equipped stunt car, which gives the feel of actually performing the stunt in first-person. As cheap thrills go, it’s not half bad, and might make you wish you had a shrink ray.
Setting the Stage
As for the stunts themselves, 5MadMovieMakers deserve some credit for getting creative and making use of a number of elements in addition to your typical Hot Wheels track. Things get off to a fairly predictable start with cars clearing some sizable gaps. But as the film progresses, so do the stunts.
Clearly our filmmakers have a great understanding of how to encourage a Hot Wheels car to flip and rotate. This makes for great fun in the first-person view as cars dive off drops into funnels and other hand-fashioned track accessories to get the desired results.
If you can’t get enough Hot Wheels action and Grand-Theft Auto stunts are just too unrealistic for you, check out more of what the team behind this film has to offer. There’s everything from more Hot Wheels racing and road trips, to Mario Kart and marbles.
Sometimes it’s nice to see that despite the awe-inspiring power of modern special effects, you can still use your good old home video camera to put together something entirely entertaining. If you’re lucky it might just get 23-million views!
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Via [5MadMovieMakers]