How-To Tuesday: Bouncy Suspension Guide
How-To Tuesday: Bouncy Suspension Guide
How-To Tuesday: Bouncy Suspension Guide
Have you ever been following a car, watched it hit a good-size bump in the road, and noticed it just kept bouncing?Like it hit a wave and can’t get out to smooth water? That car is likely owned by someone who needs to read this week’s How-To Tuesday article. While yes, this article is specific to the Corvette, it’s not limited to our favorite sports car. A bouncy suspension is an everyone problem from time to time, and this week’s article can help you diagnose a few potential issues at hand.
When the suspension is not doing its job, you are probably going to know about it pretty quickly. This is one of those things that when it is working, you don’t notice any difference, however when it is not working, you are definitely going to feel it. There are several ways that a suspension can fail, and this week’s How-To Tuesday article talks about several of the most common faults that you’ll find.
What you are going to find in this week’s article is that some of the faults can be minor and quickly remedied, and some faults are going to take a bit of time to work through. In that same light, some fixes you can most certainly take on by yourself, but there is at least one repair that will likely require a trained technician. Clearly, being able to make a repair on your own is the name to our How-To game here, but I would imagine only a select few of you could take this particular project on by yourself.
I know that I fought this battle once in my Corvette. I’m still not completely sure that I was able to get everything fixed properly. And by I, I mean the “Royal I,” to indicate that I paid someone to do the work for me. I may not have the bouncy suspension I once had, but it still does not feel quite right. Maybe I just don’t trust myself?
Read the entire Corvette Forum How-To article. >>