Facebook Fridays: Corvette Gone Wild
Facebook Fridays: Corvette Gone Wild
Facebook Fridays: Corvette Gone Wild
How Much Is Too Much When it Comes to Customizing the American Icon? This Wild C7 Corvette Certainly Pushes the Boundaries
Well, where do we start?
In all fairness, we really have no idea why this Corvette was painted this color. All we know is that it’s just wild enough to earn a Facebook Fridays post. Our initial thought is that it’s someone screaming for attention. But we could be totally off-base.
The wild-looking C7, originally posted on FB by Mathew Hughes, could be for one of those promotional art campaigns we’ve seen before. There’s also the chance that the colorful paint scheme is nothing more than a wrap. So, even if the owner does decide they’ve grown tired of their C7 looking like pop art, they could always resort back to a more traditional paint scheme.
CHECK OUT: What Forum Members Are Saying About This Questionable Paint Job
Then again, it could be that we’re just missing the point of the photo. After all, one of the longstanding beauties of the Corvette is that the car has always been a great palette for people to express their own unique style. The idea, in a nutshell, is that beauty really does lie in the eye of the beholder.
But the colorful C7 does raise one ongoing question: at what point does personal taste begin to take away from the essence of the nameplate? In other words: does it really matter what insanely bizarre thing someone else does to their Corvette, even if you’re a fellow Corvette owner?
Our guess is that it probably bugs people more than most are willing to let on. But we could be wrong. What do you think?