What Can Chevrolet Do To Get Younger Corvette Buyers?
What Can Chevrolet Do To Get Younger Corvette Buyers?
What Can Chevrolet Do To Get Younger Corvette Buyers?
Can the Corvette survive without some new blood? Corvette Forum members weigh in.
It’s a question nearly as old as your average Corvette buyer: What can Chevrolet do to get younger car enthusiasts interested in Corvettes?
CorvetteForum member desibaba works at a Lexus dealer, and noticed a similar demographic problem. He started a thread in our forums to see what other Corvette fans had to say.
Lot of posters seem sympathetic to the sentiment that most younger people have other things on their mind–building a career, starting a family, buying a home. If they do want a Corvette, it will likely have to wait until their young children are out of the house, maybe that has something to do with current owner demographics.
Of course, the stereotype of older Corvette owners has a distinctly uncool perception in the eyes of many. Regardless of how incredible Corvettes are performance-wise, image-conscious buyers often look elsewhere (their loss, we say).
And that’s just the younger folks who count themselves as car enthusiasts. If you ask older folks, including posters on this very forum, many think that Millennials simply don’t care as much about driving. They see cars as appliances, and a $70,000 two-seat appliance is not very attractive.
Younger people that do want Corvettes often have a tough time getting credit, and will likely need a cosigner. Chevrolet does little to help, with few rebates or incentives offered. User Cjunkie noted that Chevrolet really doesn’t have to. They seem to have no problem moving every Corvette they build off the lot. “The car has been around for what 64 years and sells every one they build.”
Seemingly perplexed by the rampant Millennial bashing, user spireland said it best: “This isn’t a young people issue. It’s a cost issue. Plain and simple.”
However, maybe some more Millennial-savvy marketing and aggressive pricing (despite the fact that Corvette prices are already competitive) can bring new Corvette fans into the fold.
Continue the discussion in the forums.