
Remote-Controlled C6 Corvette is the Ultimate Adult Toy

Remote-Controlled C6 Corvette is the Ultimate Adult Toy

Remote-Controlled C6 Corvette is the Ultimate Adult Toy

Inspired by Back to the Future, this Netherlands computer genius turned his C6 Corvette into a life-sized remote-control car.

Chances are, you owned at least one remote or radio-controlled car growing up. Like many other automotive toys, it helped fulfill your need for speed until you grew up and were able to buy the real thing. But, while the memories of your fun times toying around with a remote-controlled car are probably in the distant past now, Bjorn Harms never forgot. In fact, he decided to combine the toys of his youth and adulthood into one amazing remote-controlled C6 Corvette.

The 34 year-old Netherlands resident grew up obsessed with the Back to the Future films, like many of us. But the parts that really stuck with him were the ones where “Doc” controlled his DeLorean using nothing more than a joystick. So roughly two years ago, the computer genius took it upon himself to replicate that capability with his C6 Corvette.

C6 Corvette

Using nothing more than a normal looking controller, Harms is able to wheel his ‘Vette around like any good childhood toy. And even better, this isn’t just some purpose-built toy. In fact, not only is it road legal, it’s his daily driver.  It’s actually pretty hard to tell that this car is capable of remote driving, unless you pry a little deeper.

Look under the dash by the pedals, and you’ll find a universal motor controller. This enables Harms to control a series of motors placed throughout the car. These motors control the braking, shifter, gas pedal, and steering wheel.

C6 Corvette

It took roughly a year to get the controller working. Then three months to develop a prototype, and three more months to make it safe to use. And in case you were wondering, it does have a built-in fail safe. If the car gets out of range, the brakes are applied automatically.

Pretty cool stuff, indeed. And we’d say it’s also a pretty awesome party trick!

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