
Ratty Corvette Project Undergoes Extreme Makeover

Ratty Corvette Project Undergoes Extreme Makeover

Ratty Corvette Project Undergoes Extreme Makeover

Are you brave enough to repair and paint your Corvette yourself?

If you’ve ever owned a project car, you know just how good it feels to get that old hog in the paint booth. A fresh coat of paint makes quite literally a world of difference on any car. This is especially true on a fancy sports car like the Corvette, a car whose body lines don’t really hold up to the patina look. So you can’t blame YouTuber Tyler Fialko for being a little giddy once he finally got his Corvette build in the booth for a fresh respray.

Fialko came home from a trip abroad just in time to see his fresh Corvette paint cure. So of course, he wasted no time slapping it back together. Even though, as we already know, wet sanding is no one’s idea of fun. But that evil necessity does make a huge difference in the finished product, so the initial pain is inevitably worth it.


But first, you must remove the many acres of plastic covering both the Corvette and the entire shop area. And once that’s complete, Fialko decides to go ahead and test fit his new set of chrome heritage wheels. Because why not? Needless to say, the 3-piece hoops look pretty darn fantastic. And it’s clear that this Corvette project is going to look sweet once it’s all sanded and shined up.

Yes, there’s nothing quite like a fresh coat of paint to completely change the way any car looks. Toss on the right set of wheels, and you’ve got a ride to be proud of. We’ve been there and know exactly how good it feels to take your ride from ratty to polished, of course. And you can bet we’ll be staying tuned to see how this one turns out!

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