
Love It or Hate It, This C7 Owner is Living His Best Life

Love It or Hate It, This C7 Owner is Living His Best Life

Love It or Hate It, This C7 Owner is Living His Best Life

Instagrammer droupout_C7's Z51.

This Instagram personality loves to show off his Z51 ‘Vette, but is he giving Corvette owners a bad name?

Corvette owners often have life-long affairs with their cars. And if you’re lucky enough to start early, you have that much more time to spend with America’s Sports Car. That’s what put dropout_C7’s Instagram page on our radar. He’s a 24-year-old kid from Denver with a seriously gorgeous Z51. There’s no doubt that Sascha is living his best life right now. But, he’s also living like a 24-year-old with a ridiculously powerful Corvette.

Now, we’re not here to judge. Sascha describes himself as ‘HDNightRod Special Workaholic, business owner, entrepreneur, 6 figure stock & crypto investor.’ He also warns that ‘Content may hurt feelings.’ So the guy is cocky. But with a six-figure stock portfolio (which, last time we checked, we don’t have) and a car set up to crush just about anything that comes his way, we can’t blame the guy for living like he does. Or the 8,283 followers he’s amassed.

Instagrammer droupout_C7 with his Z51.

If we can ding him on one thing though, it’s the videos he’s posted of himself hitting triple-digit speeds on what look like public roads. C’mon, Sascha, stunts like that give all ‘Vette owners a bad name. More importantly, they put real lives in danger. We all know your Z51 is good for those speeds, why not just save that stuff for the track?


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But if you can get past the dangerous videos, the trolling of police officers, the mild sexism, and the ridiculous displays of wealth (See: Launching $10,000 out of the Z51’s tailpipe), Sascha is just doing what we all want to do: Have fun with a sweet car. He isn’t afraid to drive the C7 in the snow or the rain, and he isn’t afraid to get it dirty. To us, that’s the best way to drive a Corvette.

You can love him or hate him, but we salute Sascha for his obvious love for the mighty Z51. And if you’re looking for some mouthwatering pictures of an Arrest-Me-Red C7 (complete with cops in more than a few photos), give him a follow.

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