
1,300-HP Corvette Crowned ‘King of Woodward Avenue’

1,300-HP Corvette Crowned ‘King of Woodward Avenue’

1,300-HP Corvette Crowned ‘King of Woodward Avenue’

Corvette King of Woodward Avenue

Vintage ‘Vette was the only car to run an eighth-mile in under six seconds at a Dodge-sponsored event.

Our guess is that Dodge probably never expected to be handing out a grand prize to a Corvette at the Roadkill Nights race it sponsors as part of the Woodward Dream Cruise. But that’s exactly what happened this year.

Just like a Corvette, right? Show ups at a Dodge event and takes home the crown and the $10,000 in cash for first place.

Now, in all fairness, Dodge should be commended for allowing other nameplates to enter the contest.  Considering that they pretty much flip the bill for the thing, they could be bullies about it and limit the event to strictly Dodge vehicles. And the fact that the final five drag race was actually rained out might cloud the win a bit for some, as detailed in a Detroit News report. Still, the fact that Dodge had to bestow the title of “King of Woodward Avenue” to a 1960s-vintage Corvette Stingray isn’t quite the kind of thing Chevy’s crosstown rival can use for bragging rights at their next big event.


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The Corvette, owned by Gary Box, actually wound up winning the race as the only one in the race to clock a run 0f 5.7 seconds, making him the only one in the 1/8 mile race to cross the line in under 6 seconds.

Box says the he estimates his street legal ‘Vette, which features a 522-cubic inch monster under the hood that cranks out 1,300 horsepower. The newly-crowned King of Woodward Avenue built the car in 1999 and says he’s put about 40,000 miles on the odometer driving it around Cleveland where he lives.

Makes you think he would have won it all even if the final race hadn’t been washed out by rain, right?

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