
Has Your Spouse Ever Denied You from Buying a Corvette?

Has Your Spouse Ever Denied You from Buying a Corvette?

Has Your Spouse Ever Denied You from Buying a Corvette?

C7 Corvette Grand Sport

Not everyone is lucky enough to win the marital lottery and score a Corvette loving spouse, apparently.

Some of us have won what you might call the marital lottery. Perhaps you’re lucky enough to have a supportive spouse who backs your beloved Corvette hobby and doesn’t care that you spend an inordinate amount of time and money on it. But there are folks out there that aren’t so lucky. People who aren’t allowed to buy those shiny new parts or, even worse, their dream car. And that unfortunate topic is something that Corvette Forum member and vendor RickConti@Coughlin tackles in a video he posted here in the forums.

Conti has heard this sad story many times over his years of selling Corvettes. Most recently, the C7 Corvette he’s sitting in in the video was ordered by a guy whose wife threatened to divorce him if he went through with the purchase. No telling what changed over the weeks that transpired between him ordering it and the sudden ultimatum, but it was what it was at this point. And unsurprisingly, the topic conjured up quite a few comments from fellow members.

C7 Corvette Grand Sport

“Talk about opening a can of worms, man!” said zJoe6. “I will add that both my Corvettes were purchased after I got divorced, so no problems there.”

For roadbike56, it just took a little persistence to win his wife over.

“In 2012, I had been without a Corvette for 12 years. Due to a sudden increase in job and income status, I wanted to get back into a Corvette. My wife didn’t agree, but relented when we agreed on a budget that would buy an 8-year-old C5. She really liked the C5. Three years later, I wanted a C7. She was against it, but saw that I was determined. Once again, after discussing the money end of it, she went along with it. So while it wasn’t a piece of cake to get her to agree, she eventually recognized my passion. I wish she was as enthusiastic as I am, but I’ll just have to be happy with her understanding it’s what I want.” 

C7 Corvette Grand Sport

Not everyone has these sorts of problems, of course. In fact, many Corvette owners have very supportive spouses.

“I’m pretty fortunate to have a wife that actually bought mine for me,” said saleen556. “She loves me and understands my needs.”

But as AceG points out, perhaps there is more to this story than a simple marital spat.

“While I understand he is upset about the deal falling through, there might be something more to the story than his wife not wanting him to purchase it. For all we know, the guy might be in debt up to his house. It is unfair to make an assumption that his wife was just being unreasonable. He might have a history of making poor financial decisions or he can’t really afford the car. We’ll never know. If that was the case, the wife would be correct.”

C7 Corvette Grand Sport

For those that don’t have supportive spouses, we certainly feel your pain. Luckily, however, most of us don’t have that problem. But we want to know if you’ve ever been denied a Corvette purchase, or how you overcame that particular obstacle. So head over here and tell us about it!

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