Scandanavian Flick: Watch This Swedish C3 Restomod Come Together
Scandanavian Flick: Watch This Swedish C3 Restomod Come Together
Scandanavian Flick: Watch This Swedish C3 Restomod Come Together
We may not speak Swedish, but the language of Corvettes is universal.
When we saw the thumbnail for this video on our feed, we knew that we had to watch it immediately. We weren’t disappointed. This beautiful gunmetal grey C3 Corvette restomod looks like a grown-up Hot Wheels car.
The source for this dream machine is a bit unusual. You wouldn’t expect Sweden to be a hotbed of Corvette activity, but the truth is, the Scandanavian countries love American cars. As you can see from this beauty, they sure know what to do with them when they get their hands on one!
We don’t speak Swedish, but it’s not really necessary to enjoy the video. After all, the process of restoring a car is more or less the same no matter what part of the planet you call home.
Finishing Touches
The video starts with the freshly painted body being wheeled out of the paint booth. It positively gleams underneath the fluorescent shop lights, and it’s not long before we get to see the equally spotless frame that this body will soon reside on.
There’s an LS residing between the framerails, and the reworked suspension and brakes support a modern set of large diameter wheels. Unlike some YouTube commenters, we’re fine with the wheels, but we are a bit disappointed that there will be no third pedal in this Corvette.
With the body painted and the rolling chassis assembled, you might think that the fun’s more or less over. After all, this video is apparently part three of a series. It’s not long before the welder comes out, though, to make an awesome custom flat-bottom steering wheel.
Once the body and chassis are joined together, the exhaust must be taken care of as well. There’s more tubing, more welding, and more fabricating. Once we hear this C3 Corvette fire up, we don’t need a translator to tell you that an LS with a rowdy exhaust sounds good in any language.
Once the custom white interior is complete, it’s time to put this Corvette through its paces in the Swedish countryside. Who knew that a burly American sports car would look so right in the heart of Scandinavia?
The Corvette’s new owner looks overjoyed with the restoration, and we can’t blame him. We’d be proud to call this machine ours. After a long life of kicking butt here in America, this Corvette deserves its not-so-quiet retirement in Sweden.