
Father Crashes 1966 Corvette Trying to Impress Daughter’s Boyfriend

Father Crashes 1966 Corvette Trying to Impress Daughter’s Boyfriend

Father Crashes 1966 Corvette Trying to Impress Daughter’s Boyfriend

1966 Corvette Crashes While Showing Off

Here’s a good reminder of why it’s so important to check your brakes frequently, especially on a 1966 Corvette.

We’ve all been there at least once in life. You have a cool car, one that people flock to and admire, then heap praise on you and your beautiful machine. It’s a great feeling, no doubt, and one that makes you think – “hey, I should do a little showing off and really make an impression on these folks.” Sometimes, this works out as planned. But then again, other times, it leads to disaster, as it did for the owner of this 1966 Corvette.

We’ll give the owner of this classic 1966 Corvette credit for actually being the one to share the footage of his major blunder with the world, however, even if it occurred way back in April. And we’re glad he did, because it serves as a reminder that maintenance, while important on all vehicles, is especially critical on older ones.

1966 Corvette Crashes While Showing Off

“First time pulling my 1966 Corvette out of the basement garage in six months,” the owner said. “I backed up my steep driveway showing off for my daughter’s boyfriend. I spun the tires going down to my upstairs garage. When I tried to brake, the pedal went to the floor. I pulled the emergency brake. Nothing. I had three options. Hit the cars parked on the left side of my driveway, run through my fence and most likely into our lake, or run into my house. I chose the house.”

1966 Corvette Crashes While Showing Off

We can only imagine the feeling he had when this was all going down, even though it happened rather quickly. And he seems to take the gut-wrenching crash in stride, or at least isn’t visibly showing his pain in the video. On the bright side, it could have been much worse had he sunk the classic Corvette in a lake, adding flood damage on top of the physical pain the car suffered from the impact.

Regardless, we imagine that he’ll never drive the car without checking the brakes ever again. It’s just too bad that he and his beautiful ride had to suffer some pretty painful consequences to learn that valuable lesson, unfortunately.


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