
Corvette Plant Production Reportedly Slowing Down, but Why?

Corvette Plant Production Reportedly Slowing Down, but Why?

Corvette Plant Production Reportedly Slowing Down, but Why?

C8 Corvette at Bowling Green Assembly Plant

Corvette Forum member hears that Bowling Green’s 2nd shift is laid off, which sparks a flurry of theories as to why.

The first C8 Corvettes are finally hitting the pavement, but there are still many more to build. In fact, quite a few members here at Corvette Forum are still waiting on their cars to be produced, let alone delivered. So it came as a bit of a shock recently when member SlickRick7 started this thread with a claim that the Bowling Green assembly plant’s 2nd shift was recently let go. Which makes no sense given the fact that everything we’ve heard to date indicates that the C8 is selling like hotcakes.

“One of my close family friends works at BG and told me the 2nd shift has been laid off for now. Not sure how long that will last, but he is saying that 1st shift is very slow still. Super frustrating news for all of us still sitting at 1100 status.”

C8 Corvette

Initially, several members speculate that this could be the result of a backup.

“Maybe it’s just the backlog of shipments they have. Once shipping catches up they will be back at it,” said Phrankk72.

“Probably the most logical reason – 2,000 cars getting ready for shipping. They’ll probably be back up in no time,” added the OP.

Of course, others have different theories. Including B747VET, who brings up the ever-popular C-word.

“If the Coronavirus hits the BG area and a mass lockdown or self-quarantining scenario evolves, there is no telling what that could mean in terms of C8 production. Obviously, the people are all that really matters, not the cars.”

Corvette Plant Production Reportedly Slowing Down, but Why?

Livfreely also believes that Coronavirus could be a factor, but more on the supplier end than anything else.

“My bet is on supplier issues. I am currently at a factory, and we are having to reschedule units due to supplier issues. The ports have a lot of backlog due to the virus. We are even having to check our supplier’s suppliers for their parts availability.”

Virginia23320 also offers up some hard numbers to back up the OP’s claim.

“GM was completing roughly 150 cars per day pretty consistently since they started building. This morning, it only showed roughly 80 cars completed yesterday. Seems consistent with the stoppage of 2nd shift.”

2020 C8

So far, this thread is full of speculation and quite a few good theories as to what’s going on at the Corvette plant. Even if this news hasn’t hit the mainstream just yet. For now, we doubt there’s any reason to panic. But we’re curious to hear what you think.

Do you believe that this C8 Corvette slowdown is due to a backup at the plant, or maybe that virus everybody can’t stop talking about? Head over HERE and let us know!

Photos: Chevrolet


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