C8 Debates: Do You Prefer Z51 Wing or High Wing?
C8 Debates: Do You Prefer Z51 Wing or High Wing?
C8 Debates: Do You Prefer Z51 Wing or High Wing?
Styling is subjective, and that’s abundantly clear when you ask folks which C8 wing option they think looks best.
Looks are, as they say, a rather subjective subject. Every time a new car model is unveiled, you’re generally always going to have a split crowd. Some will inevitably love it, others will hate it. And the all-new C8 Corvette is certainly no exception to this rule. But the debate around the 2020 Corvette’s styling isn’t just relegated to the entire car. In fact, there’s also a split opinion regarding which C8 wing option looks the best. And it’s going on right here in Corvette Forum, in this thread started by member Sixgun95.
The OP isn’t sure if he likes it or not, which is why he was curious to hear what others thought. And like most similar topics, there are plenty of folks on both sides of the debate. But instead of just voting yes or no, r00t61 has one particular gripe with the high wing.
“I would like the high wing, except for the fact that it looks pretty stupid on the 4 stanchions. It should have used 2 stanchions like the (C7) ZR1 wing.”
Others love the C8 high wing option. Some at first sight, while the big apparatus grew on others with time.
“Wasn’t a huge fan of the high wing before now after seeing a few I want one,” said 2turbocobra.
“I’m seeing a lot of cars with the high wing now. It looks like a big seller for GM. I’m liking it more and more,” added Michael A.
“The high wing makes the C8. It’s a perfect look for its lines,” said Skid Row Joe.
Still, there are plenty of folks that don’t like the high wing. They prefer the subtlety of the regular old Z51 wing, or perhaps no wing at all.
“No, I think it looks ridiculous. Looks like a cheap ‘universal fit’ wing the owner bolted on. Almost expecting to see some duct tape. And the four posts instead of two looks bad too,” said ext.
“They do no good on launch, and that is the main time you need more traction. If you are tracking the car, that is when it is effective with speed and cornering. I personally don’t like the look, but to each their own,” added chas70.
“I think it looks awful and ricey. The standard Z51 spoiler looks much better. It’s like the 5vm side rockers people add on. It doesn’t look like the car was made for it. It’s like an afterthought that was just tacked on,” said JasonVette.
As of right now, it seems like the C8 high wing option is winning this proverbial battle. But more and more folks are chiming in on this hot debate each and every day. So be sure and head over here and tell us which wing option you prefer!
Photos: GM, Corvette Forum